This is specially for those anxious people out there who have been worrying non-stop for their O levels or about their hw [i am sure u noe who i am toking about =P]

Clouds fill the sky,
Your life darkens and the world disappears,
Everything becomes totally meaningless.
- But, as with time, the clouds will pass and reveal the sun
which was there all the time.
As you look into the sunlight, your face
shines again whilst your shadow appears behind you.
The future beckons as you hold out a
nervous and shaking hand.
One step at a time
- One day at a time
Slowly but surely
your strength will grow and slowly but
surely life will grow
There was a time when every day seemed like yesterday
But there will come a time when today greets tomorrow,
When your mirror becomes a window,
It is then that you will see your future and not
reflect on the past.
Have Faith, have Courage and have Hope for
you will survive.

© Derek Dobson [taken from]

Yes, we will survive. :D