haix, wat a depressing start to this entry..ahh, dun tok abt o's results liao, i v gek!!!haix, hoping n hoping it wld nvr come..haix..nvm, tok abt x-country first!!!

yay!!! it was quite fun i guess, hahax. esp since i walked like 4/5 of e way..hmm, seems more like walkathon n talkathon..hahax. then at e end heard seniors calling us (me n yl) "slackers!!" so sad, so we fa fen tu qiang n started running e rest of e way, which is actually less than 100m lar..so wasn't tiring at all..hahax, was making a beeline towards the orange juice when we realised (sigh!) tt there were only cups left..no more juice!!! how sad, ahh well.nvm..so we walked up a flight of stairs, hoping to get to a waterbottle. then we realised tt..haix, the stairs led to a locked door, so we had to walk all e way down again.in e end we gulped down 1 can of grass jelly, 1 can of barley, 2 cans of soya bean milk, n 1 big bottle of water. haix, like shui tong liddat haiyo..oh yar..then i got to know tt nana was 9th!!! yay!! she v zai right?? everyone clap!!! *clapclapclap* haha hehx, then saw this chi high boy not letting ms keung into e shopping mall?? hahax v funny..

after tt we went to jp to have dinner..haix, e bus so many ppl lor..i bet we stink up e whole bus.hehx

okie..o's results, haiyo, big deal we all suck together lor..hmm, quite scared oso lar..anw, i still dunno wat to do after sch on mon..i dun wanna go back so early n scare myself back in ny leh..haix. watever..this is so crap lor (or fish or prawn or watver lah) hmm, dunno y we mus get back results..y can't we jus stay e way we r..haiyo..

anw, trying to organise pri sch outing tml...haiyo..den someone zhong se qing you, dun feel like coming..hahax..haix, watever..shall see first