Ok, KK has obviously unintentionally turned this place into his own territory. Filled with his name all around. Well, this is better than no one posting anything at all. But, we still must try to post once in a blue moon, just like me. Haha, can see that KK is quite happy to reach his 32nd blog entry and the number seems to carry some significance to him. Haha.
As everyone should know, 12 people went to Pulau Ubin in search of some fun and adventure. An adventure quite filled with twists and surprise; accidents and thrills. 12 people went and they are: Me, KK, Xin Hui, Kezia, Sam, Zi yang, Amy, Brian, Yiling, Zi Ying, Min Hao and Ms Keung.

Yep the twelve of us set out to the Island. And series of events began to unfold...
We met at the Tampines Mrt station. A station that is not very near my mrt station. But, I only realised that the two stations are really a world apart. One in the extreme east and another west. A horribly awful and long journey to the east. When reached, we took bus 29 which brings us to a very remote place. Yet, I see that quite many people actually live there...hm...feel pretty weird. Anyway, we had our lunch there and then boarded a bumboat to the Pulau Ubin.

This is the point where things get a little complicated...

Ubin is famous for one thing. And that is cycling. Bascially, that's what i did whenever i go there. So, of course, we need to rent bicycles. However, yesterday was a Good Friday, a public holiday that sends many people from mainland Singapore to the small rural island. Thus, both the jetty and village were rather congested and packed with tourist and mainland SIngaporeans. With all these people around, it's most expected that most of the bicycles would have been taken up. We hunted for bicycles but in the end, we still got 12 very rusty and old bikes that appear to collapse anytime when you're riding it. Luckily, some of us got some new bikes which others have just returned. And, I'm one fo the lucky souls so I didn't have much worries about my bike collapsing when I'm riding it.

Got our bikes, and the journey truly starts. The start was a slow and meaningless one. We rode for a few metres and then stopped to realise that some of our bikes were not in good working conditions. People have to wait and some have to walk and cycle back and fro. During this period of adjusting to one's own bike, some went to take a look at the crashed car. After sometime, we moved on, heading to Mama beach. A place that will divide our party of 12....

Riding in Ubin is often a dangerous thing to do. Any carelessness can lead to serious injuries. There's a steep slope just before the beach. And down the slope is a turn. Sam crashed. She was right behind me and yet I did not take note of her increasing instability. Feel guilty now. It was just a bang sound and I turned my head to realise Sam has just banged in a wall. At first, she stood up and looked ok, she even jokingly said: "I crashed!" However, problems were far serious than that. I shan't give detalied explanations of the injuries. In one word, it was serious. Need immediate medical attention. Brought her to wash her wounds and I rushed to the village to get the help of police. I tried to ride as fast as i could to get the policemen though we realised later that a phone call was what we needed to get the policemen to come. Never mind. Anyway, I think the policemen made no difference to the wounds and did not help us much except to send Sam to the jetty. All of us returned back to the jetty.

At the jetty, the party divided. Four went back to search for better medical attention. While, the rest remained. Ms Keung, KK, Zi Yang and Sam went off. So, the rest of the party decided to continue explore the island. This is where, my account is diiferent from the previous two blogs. We went for a short break as most of us do not have the enthusiasm to move on. Sweet coconuts are great thirst-qeunchers in a hot day like yesterday. After replenishing some of the loss fluids, we decided to move on. I can't remember exactly all the places we went. But, there's some place that deserves mention. And that is Ubin Quarry. I can't remember the actual name for the peak. It's the highest peak in Pulau Ubin. So, we climbed a hill that is not really a hill.

Climbing the short hill is rather a simple task. There are in a total of 3 levels differing in their heights. We took several photos of the quarry at different levels. When we reach the peak, well, the scenery is nice. It's rather breezy too. Hm...an interesting place to visit if you go Ubin the next time.

The final stop is Noordin Beach i think. Yep, an enclosed beach with not much to watch. But then, the sun there at that point of time is about to fully cook my skin. The travel around ubin was smooth, with not many other injuries. Ok, we rode back, returned our bikes, took another rest and took the boat back to mainland Singapore.

We (Me, Minhao, Xin Hui.Amy, Kezia) met Pin yun at Tampines Mall. Oh yeah, forgot to mention about the steamboat. Sorry everyone who went for the steamboat for me not being able to go. About the Mahjong, I did not arrange that beforehand. It was a last minute decision for them to come my house to play. Anyway, we had our dinner at Long John Silvers. Then Amy and i went off first for Amy to go home and wash up.

We did have Mahjong. And we played for the whole night. When i am typing this, I have just woken up. Yep. We played three rounds i think. It was one of my longest Mahjong playing. Anyway, the other three, Jun Dar, LiTing, and Amy stayed in my house for the whole night. We played until about 8 in the morning, and went for breakfast. Then everyone went home to have a good rest. I was lucky for the session yesterday (actually it's today) and managed to win a little.( I lost quite a lot the last time) So, lesson learn is: Gambling cannot guarantee you money.

It was a day of exercise. Both physically and mentally. For the two, Ms Keung and Sam who have injured themselves, hope that both of you will get well soon. TAKE CARE! Next week is the orientation for the second intake, so hope that everyone will have fun. And, finally, good bye.