hello 7B :)

i had a great time on friday despite all the accidents! i mus say that we were really a little unlucky that day, given such disgusting bikes and meeting with such heavy traffic. really dangerous, i thot, especially when pple dont cycle in a single file but try to overtake others. erps! anyhow, let this be a lesson to us - mus bring first aid kit! and nvr go on public holidays! :)

looks like i wont be seeing liting or amy for some time (unless, of course, you guys invite me to your class outings again hehh) so heres a short msg for two of you :)

i really enjoyed teaching u two! liting being always so cheerful and chatty, and amy always eager to learn and asking me many questions! :) hope you'll bring with u these qualities to ur new schs and brighten up ur friends' and teachers' day with ur great spirit. and continue studying bio! with much hard work comes many rewards. must believe in that k, even tho at some parts u might feel disheartened. and yes, btw, mus come back for the hwachong events k! hope to see u all at MAF (if im still ard) and other events k!! :) anyone who sings the college songs and dances the mass dances and feels touched by it all can call him/herself a hwachongian. -nods-

yups, tts all from me for now :) do take care!! and continue chatting online!! :)