Hi everyone,
Looking back at the past 2 months, i decided to share with everyone some statistics that i collated today...
  1. Total no. of posts (as of 27/3/2005):
  2. Single day with most no. of posts:
    3 Feb 2005, 9 posts
  3. Total no of days with posts:
    56 days
  4. No. of posts posted after 12 midnight:
    3 in Jan, 10 in Feb, 5 in March
    Random thoughts: "What were all these ppl doing at such a time??? 10% of total entries are posted after midnight!!!"
  5. Top bloggers:
    KK(32 posts), CR (21), Sam(16), Minhao(15), Mong(10), Ziying(10)
  6. No of bloggers:
    05S7B: 18 (where are all the other ppl???), 04S7B: 7, Teachers: 3
  7. Main events talked about on blog:
    1) STJ
    2) Airport outing
    3) Media fight between KK Blog Flash and Mong's Headlines/Bulletin
    4) Class Barbeque
    5) CNY + Da Tuan Bai
    6) JTS
    7) Cross Country
    8) O-levels
    9) Talentime, Fac Outing, Exposé, Capriccio and Huang Cheng Ye Yun
Hope someone else can collate some other interesting information about anything in our class, and post it here too :)
eg the maximum observed no of 05S7B ppl on MSN at any one time, which is pathetically little most of the time :( ≈8-10? so sad...

That's all folks!
Jin Guan