At sam's persuasion i shall attempt to blog about about my life in my pathetic english so as to keep our class blog balanced with both queen's english [from kk] and the perfect Singlish of mine. Hence the intentional 'live' telecast:
I am bored

Ok that was crap...
Hmm... Since its in our best interests to be aware of the world and all worldly affairs [for GP's sake], i should help keep everyone updated about the developments within the class [not that u ppl dunno of it =DDD]:

1. Rumour: David and Ikuyo are quite a matching couple [heheZ please refer to glendon's blog]
2. Fact: Sam and Ohanziyang are progressing smoothly.
3. Fact: Brian and YL are already one.
4. [This list is non-exhaustive, please update anyone]

Anyways thanks david for lending me Deception point although it made me took up practically my whole sunday. Its excellent stuff, though; one of those select few that are written in simple enough english for me to comprehend :D