hi everyone now im taking a break from EOM... only did a little bit... 150 words after 4 hrs... pathetic ar? lol... anyways i just came back from dinner (what an unearthly time), and from a getai! (today's the 16th btw) havent been to one since dunno how many years back, anyway today was quite interesting, the mc v interesting haha, you know the "ah long" on jack neo's movies etc (that "ah nan"), he v funny and a bit act cute... but still funny lol what crap i typing... ok so i went there at 10pm with my family, then they were singing some songs, i dunno what it is, but i know they were talking teochew, because i know it (dunno how i know). anyway that place was very very very crowded, and many ppl around, it was held just outside a coffeeshop and everyone was standing everywhere, like within the tables (or between, ah well nevermind), and on the playground and on the hdb blocks beside it... think they v happy, got so many ppl... then they sing "di gor liang, di gor zor" (sth like that when translated to hanyupinyin) it's a teochew song if you dont know... haha im mixed for dialects... then i think i heard them saying that they got sing "lao shu ai da mi", then ah nan say he havent sing "lao shu ai da bian" but he dint sing in the end... dotz... he's lame (quite true), then i think after this (or isit before) he change the lyrics of "ai pia zai eh yia" (sth like that, a hokkien song) to some "hun gi" song (cigarette), v nice and entertaining haha... but i only stayed for 1/2 hr because we left there at about 1030, and they were singing some songs... (which i dunno what they are) haha so i think i crap enough and back to my eom (arrgh torture!!!)...

a leaving word: life is unpredictable, cherish what you have now, because you wont ever know when you will lose it.

byes! (happy eom!)