Hi, I am blogging, finally. Actually I have nothing much to say except that i feel rather tried nowadays. The "wonderful" spice garden is giving me some headaches. Anyway, tomorrow's Teachers' day! too bad i cannot watch the concert. Someone pls tell me what happen, ok? And, you guys won't be seeing me for the next few days. Don't miss me hor...

1st of September also means that the finals of Jue Dui Superstar is Here! Yeah yeah. Hope that Kelly will win. And, can listen to JY's singing again! There will be performances by JY, JJ, Xin hui, Kelly, Silver, Derrick, Wei Choong and many more.(Did i miss anyone out? Nope, i think.) Yep. So exciting...However, i think the prospects of Kelly winning is not very high. Never mind, just hope they can perform their very best. Go, go Jun Yang! Woodstock!

Wish Kelly luck. Hope that aunties this time round won't call as much. Or else. Haha, I am so mean... sorry if I offended any fans of a-hem. That's about all. Take care everyone. And, to all teachers, A HAPPY TEACHERS' DAY! CR