Yozz 7B! Was looking at the EMB for the first time in a long while... realised that its a good place to get info b4 its even announced... Well time to get serious... Fresh info that was posted today...

Re: Promotional Exam Dates From: CHAN KWOK LEONG 22-08-05
To: College1

Dear C1 students

1. The C1 Promotional Exam will begin from 30 Sep to 7 Oct this
year. The Consultation Days are fixed on 28 and 29 Sep. You can make
use of thses 2 days to arrange consultations with your subject
tutors or your tutors can arrange remedial lessons with you.
Please start your promo preparation as early as possible because C1
promo exam is unlike your 'O' level preparation which can be
completed within a short time. You can get copies of past promo
papers from our Library under "Red Spot Section" to gauge the
standard of the exam.
Kindly refer to the Student's Handbook (Pg 16)for the promotion
criteria and the requirement for you to keep all 4 'A' level

2. On Mon, 31 Oct, all C1 students are free from lesson as some of
you are taking 'AO' level MTL exam on that day.

3. The last day for C1 is on 2 Nov 2005 (Wed). On that day, you will
receive Overall Results Slip from your Civics Tutors after attending
P's Address in the morning.

4. The College Exam Committee will inform you on the Exam Timetable
and also Post Exam Timetable subsequently.


Chan Kwok Leong (Mr)
Deputy Principal/Studies

Well also take note of this, especially CR and the Road Runner...

Re: Change in Venues for C1 Lessons during Prelim Exam From: TAN YEW MENG 22-08-05
To: College1

Dear C1 students,
during the Preliminary Exam, some of the classrooms in A block
will be used for the examinations. As a result, some of your
lessons will be carried out in a different venue. Please see
attached for the changes. For clarifications, kindly approach me.

Tan Yew Meng
Exam Committee.

Here's the Document for reference. Save Target As or Open in a new window.

Arghh, yet another reminder that promos are coming... Well jiayou everyone! Pia for promos to get the result that you desire! Stay healthy, drink more water, take more fruits and vegetables... Also remember to drink your Pao Shen and Ginseng and whatever Chinese brew that works on you (sadly none works on me... Heh =) )... Gosh i sound like my mother... Haha =)

Yupz thats it from me! Cya and take care! =)