Heya peeps! I can almost smell my 100th post now… currently my 93rd post on the Class blog… Lolx if that is anything to be proud of. =) Well after a few days hiatus, decided to blog something to be the “feather duster” I’m supposed to be… It helped that today was quite eventful…

During PE, we had College Dance session! Led by Paul (Screams of support from PFC) and Shu Hui, we took on the challenge of Time of My Life. Glad that the extra practice I received from the Council Elections came in handy here, managed to clear this lesson easily. Well personally my favourite dance is Wild Wild West. Fast and furious, complex moves, an energetic dance that I like. Although I cant dance this one ok [who can (besides Paul) anyway?], it remains my favourite as its fun and interesting to see people laugh at themselves for faltering all the way through the dance like myself. Haha =)

Physics Lectures Rock recently, partly due to Mr Chow lecturing. Heh. Last time we witnessed how a Lightsaber is lit up (although the concept is totally different from how its done in Star Wars) and today we witnessed something even more interesting! Sith Lightning! Haha managed to see real “lightning” out of harms way… Really cool man! With a huge potential difference between 2 points, electrons can actually flow through air, scorching everything in its path, including a piece of paper… So, judging by this demonstration, Sith Lightning is theoretically possible, you just need to use the Force to create such a huge potential difference between you and the intended target, and viola! Sith Lightning! Although that doesn’t explain why you don’t die from such a huge current running through you…

Later during Maths Lecture, a new star appears on the Screen near you! Its fast, its confused, it loves chasing its tail (If it has one in the first place), it is a living example of the effects of circular motion, its… THE BUG!!! Hahaha… Wonder why I’m talking about such a trivial matter… It certainly got its fair share of attention during the lecture… Haha =)

Yupz another quality blog post by me! Haha okok, my posts are crap. Well cya and take care! Keep up the Class Spirit! =)