heyo everyone i'm here to blog about sth stupid - calculators!

haha ok today before maths s in the library i discovered a previously hidden function of my calculator... integration! many ppl shld be using the same model... so try it out yourself :)

ok this works for CASIO fx-911Z and CASIO fx-911W (it's just been tested on these 2 models...)

so here's the step-by-step guide to integration using yr calculator:
  1. Press and HOLD shift, 0, ON in this order, and then release. you shld see on the main display some weird bars and lines.
  2. Press and HOLD < (Replay arrow left), hyp, =, ON in this order. the calculator shld switch on. Release the keys.
  3. Check that it is in the advanced mode by pressing MODE, the first display shld be 1: comp, 2: cmplx
  4. Press 1 or 2 to select the mode: 2-complex numbers (i given by Pol(, you can test this out by going into mode 2 and pressing i2)
    integration uses mode 1 (comp) in this case
  5. Press nCr and you will see the integration sign & a ( on the formula area. enter in your equation (better to enclose in brackets).
    then press , and enter the lower bound,
    then press , again to enter the upper bound, and press =
    you can also press a close bracket ) at the end

    eg: (x,0,3 = 3 OR (x,0,3) = 3
Yep that's all from me... if you dont get this result following the steps ask me :)