Hellox Everyone!!!!! KK Blog Flash returns with a bang! (Ok may not be a very big bang) After taking a week off from "flashing" or whatever you call it to focus on chemistry (but still crashed at the lec test =( ) and gp presentation (which turned out quite successful to my relief), I feel its about time I come back with more analysis and thoughts about various happenings!! Today's edition is in bright green for x-country!

Well before all the information spamming, I'll like to think out loud... Where o where is my blog rival... Seems to have *poofed* and disappeared recently... Hmmm... should thank Zi Yang for that =)

Time to cover lots of information not covered since the Apollo is Owning issue! Firstly its JTS!

As this is such old dusty and stale info, i will not be too descriptive and bore you all to death! =) Oh well now to the point! Well we had JTS at York Hotel! Haha... I just had Tuan Yuan Fan with my family there... Oh well, we met at somerset mrt and had to walk a REALLY LOOOONNNNNNGGGG distance to get there! Arggghhh, wonder who told us to meet there... it didnt help that we got lost while trying to do a short-cut led by Eric... After a tiring journey with many twists and turns, we finally arrived! Buffet lunch at York Hotel! Well i have to the spread of food was rather limited to me... with my very special (and odd to many) diet of no beef, no seafood except fish, no pork and any other exotic meats you think of... Haha... almost makes me a vegetarian! Haha gave my mortal (Foony), Lao Po and daughter ice creams! In return i got a fruit salad from Foony and a sandwich from my Lao Po (pictures of them is in the blog)! Yay! They tasted especially sweet! Haha... =) Well my hyper-active photographic side of me got into action after lunch, sniffing around for potentially award-winning photos! Happy to say that i got at least 1! Hehehe... I think everyone knows which one Im talking about! Yupz we had this food transfer thing or "kissing" session with the stars of the show! They are Ah Gong and Ah Ma, Zi Yang and Sam, as well as CR and Xinhui! Too bad didnt catch Ah Gong and Ah Ma, CR and Xinhui in action on film! But made up for it with that very interesting photo! Hehehehe... Haiz, Daniel is so EVILLLL! When Mother and Father-in-law were doing the food transfer thing, he pushed CR towards Xinhui! Luckily didnt touch lips... jus scraped pass each other... or else it would have botched their first kiss! =)

Well after that we left to sing college songs! Haha... in front of Galleria! Sure looked like an illegal gathering... Haha, listen to the recordings to find out the quality of our singing! Hahahaha =)

And now we speed up the clock to X-country! Haha actually got nothing much to say... Well I'll just describe what i did... Hmmm we met at Turf City in preparation for X-country... A Division Boys were flagged off... Later A Division Girls... and FINALLY the most interesting part! The Mass Run! or the Mass Walk... Haha =) Well i personally didnt walk much... Just kept running and running... and stop to take PHOTOS!!! Hahahahaha... A very interesting sight to many i think... A first for me too... Haha didnt really take many pictures of our class... because they were either too slack (Oops) or too fast for me to catch up! Just pictures of the general route... Haha... the true spirit of a Photojournalist! To, literally and figuratively, run the distance to get photos! Haha...

Serena was so pro yesterday! Came in Ninth overall! Wow! Congratulations! Got some photos of her prize presentation as well as the girls and guys teams! Haha... talking about photos again... =)

Well after that some of us namely Brian, YL, Zi Ying, Paul, Zi Yang, Sam, Jona and of course me, went to Jurong Point, one end of the island for dinner and do some window shopping! Dont know what happened for the other group of people who went to Holland Village... I cant split myself in two... Maybe someone can blog about it to inform the rest! Ok back to the topic. We had dinner at Long John Silver's (cant help but think its a bit a waste of time to go all the way just to eat LJS...). Sam and I learnt the literal meaning of THINKING OUT OF THE BOX through some lame games that Zi Yang and Jona played with us. After dinner we were thinking of going home so Brian and YL walked off towards the entrance themselves... and turned around at the entrance to find that we have disappeared! We borrowed some smoke bombs from Zi Yang and *POOF* did a slick ninja trick! Haha... We actually took the escalator to the third floor to Popular without them knowing! Haha... =) They SURE were engrossed with one another lorz... Hehehe... Then we went Sportslink and looked around before leaving JP... Which began a LOOOONNNNGGGG and PERILIOUS journey to return the Ruling Ring to Mt Doom... WHoops erm i mean to go home... Boon Lay to Ang Mo Kio... ARggghhh >_< Im sure Zi Yang will also agree with me... Boon Lay to Bedok... plus a bus journey to his house... Haiz, the things we do just to be with friends... but its DEFINITELY worth it! =)

Yupz and that ends the Return of the King!!!! Whooops I mean the Return of the Blog Flash!!! Hehehe... must be too sleepy today... Keep dreaming of LOTR yesterday night... Yupz and Good Luck for 'O's (Why do i keep saying that when i blog?)! May the spirit of S7B be with you!!!