Hey all! :) I come on here EVERYDAY ok? Juz tt i always v quiet tou1 tou1 peep @ wad u all type! Aiya, i always aso v quiet in class de ma... ;p

Happy teacher's day to all our GOOD teachers (in case they decide to visit our blog... Hee..)! Tot today was quite fun! Leading mass dance was quite exiting except 4 tt irritating idiotic aa a**hole who jumped on stage n did some stupic silly dance. If u're tt idio* who disgraced urself in front of the whole j1 cohort because of a dumb dare or sth then ya, i AM refering to U! :( Wah some 17 yr olds r really immature n childish la, really horri-gee-ble man... N he was so inconsiderate la! It was my FIRST ever attempt at leading the sch in mass dance then he come n disrupt!!! Couldn't he wait 4 e 2nd attempt! Aiyo... Haha... :p But still wanna thank all of u who danced enthuly n supported me! *muackz*

But other than tt i tot e concert n everything was quite nice ( handsome photo of mr loy... Haha) Band did well too! Well done 3 of u! =)

Anyway i really hope kelly wil win tml coz e more i c tt guy e more i tink he cmi man (sorry HH)... Haha... Kelly is seriously much better than him la... but i tink he'll still win... :(

Gotta go do maths diffirentiation tutorial ONE! Haha! Jia you ppl!

Chill out!